Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-4-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-4-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions11-4-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Things are happening on the banking side… Article Quote: “Visa Direct tool…simple transfers for the citizens. The tool facilitates the demand for foreign currencies.” Not just the dinar, Not just the dollar…They’re talking about 160 currencies. That’s what they said. It’s not my words…That’s a lot. That’s phenomenal. That means what? Iraq is going international with up to 160 currencies…

11-4-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …in the news is yet more de-dollarization efforts as they convert the remaining of the border crossing stations all to “all dinars” only for custom fees. The Parliamentary Finance Committee renewed on Tuesday, its support for the Central Bank’s measures to control the exchange rate and address any obstacles…we learned that the new government of Al-Sudani made promises in his administrations curriculum to bring back the dinar stronger than the dollar. Is this why he has openly in public stated the dinar is already stronger than the dollar? Well then…where is it? As investors we wait for it.

11-4-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Things are still looking really good for Iraq. They still manage to be keeping their nose out of what’s going on over there in the Middle East even though it starting to escalate…

11-4-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Here is another one that is putting pressure on this “re-valuation” “Amid war on Gaza – Egypt see highest exchange rate on US dollar in black market” So in the middle east the dollar is gaining and will cause regional issues and inflation. They are painting themselves in a corner without a reset. They need rate changes.

11-3-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man There’s a little bit of turmoil going on with Kuwait…when it comes to demarcations …Maritime borders are sovereign right too but the most important one is the ‘unspoken Chapter VII’. I believe the unspoken one is because of their currency exchange rate…Chapter VII has to do with the UN and until they are released and allowed to go Article VIII compliant with the IMF…ascend to the World Trade Organization…be able to have a valuation for their oil and gas law…That’s what’s in play right now…They are going to need an internationally accepted exchange rate…

11-3-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …Iraq did not put the rate in the printed Gazette [Wednesday] and our Iraqi sources are looking forward to quite possibly this Saturday… So let’s see if Saturday happens…

11-3-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy I still think the Iraqi dinar is going to go up in increments. I’m anticipating them to do at least one increase before the end of the year. It looks like they don’t have any choice and I’m curious to see what they’re going to do…

11-3-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Sudani is arresting people left and right every day. It’s like clearing the runway so that the new exchange rate will land safely…They are trying to drive corruption out of business and they’re doing a good job.

11-3-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article quote: “Visa Direct…where money transfer services are aimed at transformation global money movements between Iraq and the rest of the world.” That’s talking about what we expect – an international exchange rate to facilitate international trade. Without an international acceptable currency it’s not going to happen in my view.

11-3-2023 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “Iraq launches Visa Direct service to combat corruption, illicit funding” Article: “It will securely accept faster and easier money transfers electronically. The Central Bank officially launches the “Visa Direct” service”

11-3-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …we got some intel today…and it comes from a very strong source…a military source and the information was…our notifications will come out between after five o’clock Friday [today]…when the markets are closed and the banks are just about closed…to Tuesday, mid morning.

11-3-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Pretty quiet in Iraq as of this morning… A number of group leaders that have been in place since last week think this is it. …Bankers are really stoked and excited for this weekend.

11-3-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East I heard a debate the other day…If Iraqi citizens care about the exchange rate or not. Here it is. The regular people like you and me they don’t pay attention to it because for them it’s the same thing…But exchange companies, governments, offices…big things like that cares about the exchange rate because it’s a lot easier to deal in small amounts…So regular people don’t care about it…Me I care about it a lot. Why? Because it will make easier for me to pay people and get paid from people.

11-3-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy There’s so many things happening…We got elections coming up here soon. Al-Sudani has been taking many good steps to warrant an opportunity to be the Prime Minister once again but if he doesn’t control that currency it’ll destabilize the economy as well as the currency itself and this is not going to go over very well with the people of Iraq. If he increases the value of the Iraqi dinar that gives the people of Iraq a little bit more purchasing power at the same time stabilizing the currency and hopefully closing the gap between the fixed exchange rate versus the parallel rate.

11-3-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] My gut is still screaming that sometimes in the next few days or week we will be across the finish line…my analytical mind looking at documents, governments and articles say we will have it by Jan 1st.

11-3-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Articles: “NEARLY TEN BILLION DOLLARS IN IRAQI OIL REVENUES LAST MONTH”; “IRAQ IS AMONG THE LARGEST ARAB COUNTRIES IN GOLD RESERVES… INTERNATIONAL STATISTICS DURING 2023″ Yes, and still the dinar is at 1/6 of a penny. How outrageous is this that they still continue to manipulate the dollar in Iraq. We will see what happens in January when the CBI has reported they plan to cut off all dollars for imports. The dollars will dry up. So get ready Iraq…