Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-5-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-5-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions8-5-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat This week I had an interesting conversation with my CBI contact in Iraq. I was told to expect yet another “official” rate change of the dinar from the 1320 rate. I was told the new measures were trying to get as close to 1000 rate as possible. I asked about a more specific number, but I could not get a commitment on the actual range. However, I was told that the measures to be taken in the coming weeks should move the dinar within this range.

8-5-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat What is the plan once this new rate range is met? I was told that the CBI could then go ahead with the project to delete the zeros. We know that when this new rate is rolled out the CBI will then drop three zeros from the currency. It was my feeling that they are heading to around an 1166 from 1320 rate so we are not that far to go and these new measures should take them to the rate they need.

8-5-2023 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “Central Bank: New decisions will be issued next week that may contribute to lowering the exchange rate”

8-4-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “The judiciary: the arrest of suspects who carried out suspicious banking activities and the seizure of 15 million dollars” This week all these articles are about what? All the bad guys being busted. All the banks that are being punished. All the merchants that are being closed down…The CBI floor is almost spotless for the Monetary reform!

8-4-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani issued a ban on the interference of all agencies in the work of exchange companies” Quote: “…to implement Resolution No. 56 of 2004 that includes granting exclusive powers and powers to the Central Bank to monitor and inspect its financial institutions, and according to the Prime Minister’s directive to prevent interference in the work of the Central Bank with other government agencies.”

8-4-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Question: …is this our weekend? MarkZ Answer: We don’t know for sure but there are a lot of pieces put into to place that could let it go this weekend. A heck of a lot of them…But, we won’t know until we cross the finish line…Most of my sources still believe we are very close. MR.C [Guru Mike Cottrell] thinks any day now to just a few weeks and I agree…My connections in wealth management have been preparing for this for some time. My guess is we are closer than we think…

8-4-2023 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Guru Pimpy thinks the reason why they haven’t raised the dinar is because the US has put sanctions on Iraq…Individual bank sanctions are compliance issues and have nothing to do with the dinar value. The dinar will remain weak until Iraq diversifies their economy.

8-4-2023 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Since the integration of AI
gathering knowledge from across the Internet, we are learning more about what was said behind closed doors…We now know the ‘big dogs’ do expect an increase in the Iraqi currency.

8-4-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Once Iraq and Iran made that agreement between the two countries I told you…the United States is going to screw with Iraq. They’re going to screw with their exchange rate. I knew this was going to happen. All of a sudden, magically, 14 other banks are hit with sanctions. Why were they hit with sanctions? Those 14 banks are under “suspicion” of laundering money. There’s no proof. It just said the United States “suspects” the banks of money laundering. That’s all it took for the United States to screw with Iraq, a suspicion.

8-4-2023 Intel Guru Bruce …we had Vietnam come to the party…They got Basel three compliant…So…Vietnam is good to go…

8-4-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Support the dinar, that’s the focus and the demand to diminish with the dollar. We can see they’re moving to that end. We all know the central bank law says it’s illegal to the dollar. The IMF Article VIII compliance requires the dollar to disappear when it comes to goods and services within the country…Bottom line is there’s not going to be a need for that parallel market anymore…

8-4-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 What is Article 304? To protect the dinar… Since when do you protect toilet paper? Since when do you protect used toilet paper that’s already been flushed down the toilet? Never. You’re going to release 304 right now? What for? Have you done it the years before? No. Have you done it decades before? No…Sudani is arresting people left and right, backwards and forwards, up and down…because he’s not messing around anymore with those that are delaying the monetary reform.

8-4-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Next week.. The Iraqi Central Bank launches a package of measures that will reduce the price of the dollar” Quote: “decisions will be issued next week, which may contribute significantly to reducing the exchange rate of the dollar. ”

8-4-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] I can tell you the rates are continuing to go up. The Dong is is terrific. And the dinar is very good. Extremely good… way more than we thought they were looking for …both rates are excellent right now – this is coming right up the bank screens…