Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-24-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-24-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions3-24-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Channel One News just did an interview with the Finance Minister he’s saying soon the dinar will be parallel with other middle eastern currencies in the region. FRANK: Are you kidding me? That’s absolutely fantastic! That’s insane for him to say that. In other words he’s telling you that when they reach the REER of the float the dinar will be parallel with other middle eastern exchange rates…everyday they are telling you more and more. It’s getting ridiculous with the excitement of the monetary reform! You are inches away from receiving your new small category notes and new exchange rate…

3-24-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “THE RECONSTRUCTION OF IRAQ WITHIN A CLEARLY DEFINED VISION AND A DRAWN ROAD MAP BASED ON SEVERAL STAGES.” …the key phrase here is “several stages”…This reinstatement could not just pop out one day…But now we are in the stage of progress to get the dinar reinstated and then there are many more stages to work on the Iraqi economy. Folks they are following the plan as outlined in the “White Paper”. There is no secrets to what they are doing.

3-24-2023 Intel Guru yada …Cant be stressed enough that the budget needs the rate, not the rate needs the budget. The budget is going through the motions and once the rate is released, it will sort itself out.

3-23-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East In our religion [Muslim] …if I make a profit in the bank I have to give it up as a citizen. I’m not talking about companies…If I put my money in a bank and I make profit the whole month of Ramadan I have to give it up to poor people…bank…mosque. I have to give it up. That’s why people will not go and change their money this month and bring it if they change the rate. Nobody’s gonna move…this is a religion thing…

3-23-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: We see infomercials…one after the other on our television and they’re talking about reintroducing fils/coins to us. Then they told us we will also be receiving lower notes and we’re adding value to these lower notes and then they said the coins/fils will give us more purchasing power and when we buy things in the market we will not lose money no more do to having coins and lower notes with value. FRANK: Whoa!! …you are right on the edge from receiving what they are bragging about to you. A new exchange rate that will match a new lower denomination along with coins to match them…this is absolutely stupendous…congratulations you are so close.

3-23-2023 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram In 2021 OPEC member countries accounted for more than 80% of the world’s proven oil reserves… proven reserves are when certified engineers have surveyed the land and reported on the profitability of the oil based on they analyzed reports…Iraq is #4 on the [OPEC proven crude oil reserves] list…Iraq has lots, lots more oil hidden under the earth. Iraq is literally floating on oil according to geologist reports…It is our hope that the oil industry will allow Iraq to revalue its currency at a higher rate against the US dollar.

3-23-2023 Newshound/Intel Gurus Walkingstick & Frank26 The monetary reform of the Iraqi dinar is asset backed. Some of you need that information in your calculations. Some of you need it in the float. Understand the monetary reform will be asset backed. And here’s the key, it’s not only tapped but untapped resources. Developed or not developed…the mineral industry from around the world is salivating to get started in Iraq…

3-23-2023 Intel Guru yada Doubt very much waiting on Ramadan is going to delay this, it a matter of the next quarter starting on the 1st and this machine is already in stride. Increasing the dinar’s value will also give the other countries added value to their currencies just by having the dinar in their coffers. Its a done deal and expecting it any moment now.

3-23-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man At this stage of the game we can’t deny something’s up and these guys are talking because Alaq is talking. Al-Sudani said hold your dinar, it’s going to be worth more. He didn’t say worth more than the dollar, he just said it’s going to be worth more. All of these things are coming into play…I think their plan is brilliant at this stage of the game…I really do believe what the central bank is doing what we expect them to do and they’re going to keep pounding the pavement moving forward. It’s going to be good.

3-23-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: The CBI talking about 1132… FRANK: Do you recall when it was 1700 to 1… I told you look they just moved it’s now 1300 to 1. I said our goal is for it to reach 1000 to 1 but {Firefly’s} bank friend says he thinks it’s going to hit 1190 then 1000 to 1 therefore to you we said IMO there will be one more exchange rate movement before it floats at 1 to 1. Remember that? FIREFLY: They’re trying with new measures to get the parallel dollar rate in the market to mirror the official exchange rate. The street rate is still 1500 but they’re trying to get it to be 1132. FRANK: 1132 is excellent! It keeps going in the right direction…The fact that it comes from the CBI it’s crucial… Now I believe we will see 1000 to 1 as the next movement.

3-23-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] there is a lot of chatter that things may be starting over this evening. We shall see. We know we are close…the news out of Iraq continues to be fantastic. They are openly talking about their currency having parity with other countries in the region. I hear from all my sources that the RV is still in play and it doesn’t matter if its Ramadan.

3-23-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East I have a…very educated, very smart friend who lives in California. He knows a couple of things. He gives me a lot of information….some things I cannot tell them…I just hang up the phone with him and he was yelling at me because…He said, did the mosque talked about smaller currency? I didn’t want to answer because [if] I say things, I don’t want to look like an ass$%$# if it’s not true or if it doesn’t happen…So, yes, I told him, yes, they talked about it. He said, they trying to educate you about that?

3-23-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East In the mosque in our Muslim religion they will…never mention money and tell you what to do with your money or not…They give you information that informs you, ‘Okay the government send us letters next week or next month we’re gonna change our money or our rate or something’ and that’s it. They will stop there…they will not go like, ‘yeah we’re gonna have the 50’s and this is how they look.’ They’ll not educate you on that. They will inform you…The only people who can educate you on that is the CBI or…banks. This is how it is. This is how it works. Now he asked me if in mosque they informed about it? Yes, exactly they informed us about this. They never say when and what, why and when. They didn’t say bigger or smaller. They said they’re gonna change.

3-23-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: They are talking about that 1134 all morning and all afternoon. They keep repeating it over and over again. They want the citizens to understand their exchange rate is moving and changing.

3-23-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat … I would be VERY SURPRISED if we got to June 1st and still did not see the reinstatement of the IQD on FOREX and have it trading. Personally I can even see April as a target… if we had not been to the bank…by then…I would be surprised. This event is moving that fast.

3-23-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] There is a lot of concern that this will not happen during Ramadan…Could they be waiting until after Ramadan? It’s possible. But I am hearing it will be sooner than that and during Ramadan …I do not think we will be waiting another 30 days… We will know very soon.