Parliamentary Finance: The current low exchange rate does not mean the return of the dollar to the old rate

Parliamentary Finance: The current low exchange rate does not mean the return of the dollar to the old rate

FRI, 06-25-2021,PM 4:50

US Dollar-Iraqi DinarToday, Friday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee considered that the low exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar does not mean its return to the previous rate.

Committee member Jamal Kougar said in a press statement, “The Parliamentary Finance Committee hosted last week the Governor of the Central Bank, Mustafa Ghaleb, and they discussed the steps that the bank promised to implement to reduce the repercussions of changing the currency exchange rate and its implications.”

He added, “The decline in the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar and the rise in oil prices does not mean the return of the exchange rate of 100 dollars to 118 thousand dinars.”

Cougar continued, “All the meetings and discussions that took place recently will not work without a decision issued by the government, the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank to restore the dollar exchange rate to the previous one.”