Parliamentary Finance expects that the 2021 budget will not be passed, and it is likely that it will reach the parliament next week

Parliamentary Finance expects that the 2021 budget will not be passed, and it is likely that it will reach the parliament next week


Parliamentary Finance expects that the 2021 budget will not be passed and it is likely that it will reach the parliament next weekThe Parliamentary Finance Committee expected, on Tuesday, that the budget would not be passed due to the large number of disagreements regarding it, and it is likely that it will officially arrive to the parliament early next week.

A member of the Finance Committee, Jamal Cougar, said in a press interview that “the 2021 budget has major political differences between the blocs before it reaches parliament, especially the large deficit ratio approved by the Council of Ministers.”

He added that “it is expected that it will not be passed within the House of Representatives due to the disagreements on it,” noting that “the budget needs to be negotiated to agree on it, and the defect in the government sent it in a very short time.”

Cougar explained that “it is hoped that the budget will officially reach the House of Representatives early next week.”