Member of Parliamentary Finance: Three Reasons Delay 2021 Budget

Member of Parliamentary Finance: Three Reasons Delay 2021 Budget

12/19/2020 08:38:53

Member of Parliamentary Finance - Three Reasons Delay 2021 Budget{Baghdad: Al Furat News} A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Majed Al-Waeli, admitted that there are three main reasons that delayed sending the 2021 budget from the government to parliament.
Al-Waeli said in a press interview that “the first issue is the exchange rate of the dollar in the Iraqi market, as it is within the monetary policy that the government will follow during the next stage to solve part of the financial and economic problem in the country is to raise the exchange rate.”

He pointed out that “the task of the Central Bank of Iraq is to control its prices in the market, as it controls the exchange rates, whether in selling it to banks or buying it from the markets.”

He added, “The second issue is to reduce the proportion of the deficit in the budget as much as possible after the political blocs refused to send the budget without measures to reduce the deficit percentage,” describing it as “very high.”
Al-Waili explained, “The third basic thing is the article concerning the dues of the Kurdistan region, as last Wednesday’s meeting with the regional government delegation was paving the way to lay down an article in the budget law that was present in the deficit financing law, but that needs measures from both parties, not to mention On the non-oil revenues, such as ports, taxes and municipalities, after controlling the oil revenues by addressing the Oil Marketing Company (SOMO) to determine its quantity, despite what is in it of belongings such as companies’ contracts and others.
A member of the Finance Committee indicated, “the budget is ready to be sent to the House of Representatives after these three basic points have been resolved.”