Abdul Mahdi reveals exciting secrets that changed the face of Iraq

Abdul Mahdi reveals exciting secrets that changed the face of Iraq


Abdul Mahdi reveals exciting secrets that changed the face of IraqMany problems, deep interventions, as well as many secrets that occurred in his short period, revealed by former Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, who broke the silence for the first time after his resignation from the premiership.

How did he live during the demonstrations? What are the reasons that led to the demise of his government? What are the secrets of the “red lines” between America and Iran in Iraq? And what happened when the commander of the Iranian Quds Force, Qassem Soleimani, was assassinated in Iraq? How did he deal with efforts at normalization with Israel?

What is the story of 600 thousand letters related to the constitution?

Abdul-Mahdi says regarding the Iraqi constitution, “The constitution was written and before it the state administration law was written, which contains many modern ideas that are not without the imprint of the American vision. It is not true what is rumored that everything was prepared in offices abroad, especially with regard to the constitution, indicating that “The State Administration Law has a clear and strong American footprint. As for the constitution, it reduced that and established great consultations among Iraqi institutions, as more than 600,000 letters arrived to the constitution drafting committee, and extensive consultations and discussions took place about it.”

Abdul-Mahdi points to “American objections to more than one paragraph in the constitution and its drafting, including the relationship of religion with the state, the relationship of the components to some of them, is the system centralized or decentralized, and the system of government is parliamentary or presidential ?, and human rights, as well as in the separation of powers, citizens’ rights.” And a lot of basic principles. ”

Abdul Mahdi points out that “more than 55 laws remained without legislation, were not enacted finally, or were quickly enacted, and some principles remained unable to provide solutions and work contexts, because there were no endings to them.”

Stressing that “the constitution was written by Iraqi hands, but it is not without direct and indirect external influences, and it opens the way for every person to interpret the principle as he wishes, and this is what has created from the outset great differences between the political parties in the interpretation of constitutional articles, such as Article 140, and the issue of the largest bloc,” If the prime minister and the caretaker government resigned, identity issues and their compatibility with reality in practice and not in theory, all matters remained loose or were referred to the Federal Court, which played a referential role for the parties to return to and succeeded several times and at other times its interpretation was affected by the pressures of the moment, keeping it suspended as an interpretation holding the stick from The center, and this does not provide a solution in this direction or the other direction. Therefore, many voids have emerged in the Iraqi political experience. ”

October demonstrations and destroys concepts that were “sacred”

Abdul Mahdi continues his interview with “Dialogue of Thought” magazine and says, “Part of what we lived through in terms of demonstrations or what we are experiencing in terms of repercussions, squabbles and positions from various countries has regional accounts, and Iraq also has regional accounts with others,” indicating that “Iraq will remain weak and attracted by trends, If he did not discover the factors of his internal strength and his region, and use them to enhance his position and play the role that is commensurate with his natures and interests, and which he played historically.

Abdul-Mahdi believes, “The October 2019 demonstrations were violent and many civilian and military casualties occurred. The October 2020 demonstrations were less violent and many fewer victims fell, and I do not say this is great, but we socially and politically must take these developments into consideration.” ,

Noting that “convictions have changed a lot, and there is a better understanding of many issues. In October 2019, there was talk about a Shiite-Shiite war, and about overthrowing the regime. This did not happen. Despite political divisions that did not spare a component or arena, we are witnessing many meetings and prospects for alliances, not Only among the Shiites, but between different arenas and formations. ”

Abdul Mahdi points out that “the circumstances are not perfect, but we have a rich experience. We must not destroy it with self-flagellation and lack of confidence in ourselves and the lessons learned from all these situations and standing at the negatives only without relying on many of the positives.”

He continues, “We have received harsh lessons, and concepts that we saw as sacred have been destroyed, and a lot of prestige has been removed from many of us, and these may be our previous obstacles, which may prompt us to think about alternatives to launching towards the future,” explaining that “the escalation within and between the components must prompt the search for more meaningful solutions. The old formulas have fulfilled their duty, and part of them may have ended, and we must search for the correct alternatives that are necessary, as not every escalation leads to war or fighting, as it may lead to serious dialogues and solutions, and this is what we hope.

Formation conditions

Abdul-Mahdi says, “The coming of our government was not because we had a representative bloc, as the others tried to reach a conclusion by bypassing the closing of the paths of interpretation of the largest bloc or reaching acceptable balances by political forces, so we were a temporary solution for them,” explaining that “his government after it was formed was left exposed. And without real political cover, she did not have a political and parliamentary base, but rather historical relations with this figure or that force, more than they are commitments to a large project such as the project of governance and the state. ”

Abdul Mahdi affirms, “The competition that existed before the formation of the government found an umbrella for itself to continue, especially since the government was not revenge or authoritarian, so it started again, and from the first days the factors of obstruction and bids became the ruling, more than the factors of support and facilitation in political procedures and equations.” “.

“Early elections” and the position of Mr. Al-Sadr

Abdul-Mahdi says, “When Sayyid Muqtada al-Sadr raised the proposal for early elections several times, we said the opposite in written letters, (They reached a candidate, and the government will resign the next day … there is no desire to cling in any way). And Abdul-Mahdi added, “After the resignation, five months have passed and we made great efforts to help those charged and did not obstruct, whether with Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi or Adnan Al-Zorfi and finally Mustafa Al-Kazemi.”

What is the story of “kyat”?

Abdul Mahdi points out, “When I assumed responsibility for the premiership, one of the conditions set by Sayyid Muqtada al-Sadr was (not to resign), and he told me 100 days and enter al-Khadra. I told him in the meeting that took place between us in Najaf before the formal assignment, ( Our master, God willing, enters the green with (kyat), and we will not need to lift the bulk and barriers because I will open the green).

And he confirms by saying, “Indeed, we opened Al-Khadraa and took from the National Assembly building in the Alawi area an office for the Prime Minister,” explaining that “the US embassy expressed its concerns in the beginning even though Vice President Mr. Pence expressed in a conversation later between us his congratulations for the move.”

Abdul-Mahdi warns that “if the Shiite component does not know its interests and is not fair and just with others, then it is difficult to govern Iraq.”

Abdul-Mahdi goes on to say, “If the Shiite does not understand the Kurdish situation, the Sunni, Christian, or secular reality and the various cultures, it will harm his interests and the interests of others and the country, but others must also know their interests, and without that, the equation will not be correct.”

He states, “There are horizons and limits for each component, and if the horizons and boundaries of everyone are not defined, then social affinity will not be achieved and we will establish a clashing system that is not harmonious and reconciled. Therefore, the Shiite mind and other minds must also be mature if we want to reach the righteous, fair judgment and stability.”

“Martyr Soleimani” and the rules change

Former Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi says, “In the American-Iranian conflict, America knew the Iranian red lines in Iraq, so it did not touch them,” pointing out that “the martyr Qassem Soleimani (may God have mercy on him) was always exposed and could be easily targeted, but there was no A decision on the level of what happened at Baghdad airport. ”

He continued, “On the Iranian side, he knows the American red lines, and the two parties have been fighting and have different positions on Iraq and their role in it, and they carry out limited and calculated actions that do not come close to the red lines, but what happened in my government is that the American administration changed the rules of behavior and relations.”

Abdul-Mahdi confirms, by saying, “We said that we are not part of the sanctions regime and we are not part of fighting a country with which we have diplomatic relations, and we refer to this to America, and the State of Iraq is not part of the axis of resistance,” indicating that “the talk here is about the state, as for the public or part of it The audience has another discussion. ”

With regard to the Popular Mobilization Forces, Abdul Mahdi says, “When we came, the first work we did was to equalize the salaries of the Popular Mobilization Forces and the armed forces. It is unreasonable that a fighting force stands and fights and martyrs, but it takes half the salary from what the rest of the armed forces take.”

He confirms that “the popular crowd has an important and significant role in Iraq,” stressing that “demonizing the popular crowd means betraying the interests of the Iraqi people.”

Trump’s problem

Abdul Mahdi criticizes the administration of US President Donald Trump, saying that it is “completely different, and this problem,” indicating that America has done the impossible to prevent the convening of the parliament session that voted to leave the foreign forces.

He pointed out, saying, “The session was held and we gave our speech, and we said in it what must be said honestly, sincerely and frankly, so we informed the Americans of our decision. They said and an official message we will send our delegation in June, and the delegation will discuss two matters, the economy and the redeployment of forces outside Iraq, and they assured me that the redeployment is not Inside Iraq but outside it, and that is confirmed by an official letter. ”

Ambiguity in the era of Al-Kazemi and logic rejected by Washington

“The Al-Kazemi government was formed, and there was a kind of ambiguity in the issue of withdrawal and the timing, so the Americans began to procrastinate, and they did not agree on any timing,” he says.

Abdul-Mahdi explains, “We used to tell the Americans when they were being bombed with Katyushas, ​​from 2011 to 2019, not a single missile targeted the embassy, ​​while the number of American forces was 170,000, and you would lose 3-4 casualties per day and a number of wounded, so if he could not 170,000 soldiers will protect you, so how will 5,000 soldiers protect you now? While it is assumed that the presence of the forces is to protect Iraq and the Iraqis and not only to protect the forces and the embassy, ​​so if you focus on Iran and make the fight against ISIS a secondary matter, then this means getting Iraq into trouble, now you want to bring Patriot for protection, Here the Iranian will think of a stronger missile to bypass the Patriot, and thus Iraq will enter into a conflict or even a war that it is not ready to fight. ”

And he stated, “The Trump administration rejected this logic, and I was reiterating to senior American officials that the security of the embassy and other missions is a political equation, not a military one.”

He points out that “the American ambassador, the chargé d’affaires and ambassadors of different countries began to frequent Iraqi restaurants and cafes in 2018-2019 without protections because the political equation allowed them to do so, but the change of President Trump’s policy and the escalation that occurred with the crowd and the sanctions, and then the bombing of the Qaimam and the assassination of the martyrs, Engineer and Suleimani and their companions.” Change the data, and there is no longer any way to get out of this impasse but to withdraw and schedule it.

The position on normalization

Reaching the controversial normalization, Abdul-Mahdi says, “We rejected the normalization policies and the deal of the century, because it represents the old retreating and unipolar worldview that did not succeed previously and will not succeed in the future and will disintegrate, as it is based on accepting occupation and domination and imposing a unilateral reality.”

Abdul-Mahdi believes that “the policy of normalization among others is in anticipation of what is happening in the region and the world, and the purpose of this acceleration is to anticipate developments rather than a solution to the problem of land, peace, Palestine, stability and security in the region.”
