Al-Kazemi and a new formulation of Iraq’s foreign and domestic policy

Al-Kazemi and a new formulation of Iraq’s foreign and domestic policy


Al-Kazemi and a new formulation of Iraqs foreign and domestic policyLast week, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi headed a large ministerial delegation that visited Washington to participate in new sessions of the strategic dialogue between the United States and Iraq, followed by a visit by the Iraqi prime minister to the White House, the first in more than 3 years. Where he received Mustafa Al-Kazemi with a remarkable hospitality.

And everyone who knows Mustafa Al-Kazemi knows that he is a brave patriot. Batab Khater accepted the difficult challenge of running Iraq at a time when militias are invading Baghdad and can threaten senior government leaders with impunity. In addition, the challenge before it includes controlling the budget at a time when the minimum monthly spending is $ 7 billion and income is less than $ 3 billion, eliminating the emerging Corona virus disease in a country where overcrowding and Hajj collide with a partially collapsed health care system that people fear to use, and mitigate On the part of Iraqis in record heat waves at a time when the United States is asking Iraq to buy less quantities of Iranian electricity.

The Washington visit gave great encouragement to the Al-Kazemi government because even if not all of the answers were revealed on this visit, the United States has demonstrated a clear willingness to continue talking, with increasing levels of detail, about what Iraq needs in order to achieve economic and political stability, while placing weapons under the control of a stronger state.

A few hours after completing his visit to Washington and his return to Iraq, Al-Kazemi arrived in Basra from Baghdad, where popular anger was escalating after militias killed activists against the backdrop of economic depression and power cuts. Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi held a high-level security meeting at the army headquarters in the southern city of Basra, with the participation of the ministers of defense, interior, national security, police and counter-terrorism leaders in the governorate, as well as the leader of the “Popular Mobilization”, discussing confronting security chaos and a series of assassinations targeting activists .

On the sidelines of the meeting, Al-Kazemi said that “there is no longer a place for those who are afraid of the security forces,” in a clear reference to the militia equation and their rivalry with the security forces in Basra.

He added, “Our presence in Basra is exceptional, as Basra is important to us, and we do not accept failures to protect its security, and outlaw groups have been trying for some time to terrorize the people of Basra, and they pose a threat to them and all Iraqis.” Addressing the security leaders in the governorate: You must do everything possible to provide security for the people of Basra, and there are criminals who commit assassinations, but we have not seen an act equivalent to the gravity of this crime.

Al-Kazemi stressed the importance of “restoring citizens’ confidence in the security services,” adding, “I came directly from travel with the security ministers and heads of the security services to support the security forces, raise morale, and work for the sake of establishing security in the province.”

He noted that “the failures that occurred must be avoided, and the recent assassinations constitute a breach that we cannot tolerate.”

He indicated that “there is no place for the fearful within the security services, and there is no room for fear for those who work for Iraq,” stressing that “whoever makes mistakes and who fails will not remain in his place, and he will be held accountable according to disciplinary laws.”

He also stressed that “he does not accept any leader who fails his work, and what happened in Basra must be a lesson and a lesson,” calling on the security forces to “uncover the criminals as soon as possible.” He also stressed his rejection of “any form of political interference in the security work.”

The Prime Minister issued a number of urgent decisions related to Basra during the security meeting, including the implementation of arrest warrants against suspects in threatening or targeting activists, and assigned the task to the Federal Ministry of Interior in Baghdad, to follow up the file and implement arrest warrants within 24 hours from the date of the meeting. The decisions included a recommendation to transfer officers who had security incidents in their areas of responsibility, to reinforce the army and police forces in the governorate, and to grant them broad powers. Al-Kazemi “will be responsible for following up the investigation into the assassination of activists.

Al-Kazemi visited the home of the family of civil activist Reham Yaqoub and offered condolences to her family, and held a meeting in the presence of Minister of Defense Jumah Anad, the Interior Minister Othman Al-Ghanimi, National Security Abdul-Ghani Al-Asadi, and other security leaders in addition to the leader of the “Popular Mobilization Forces” Faleh Al-Fayadh and Governor of Basra Asaad Al-Eidani.

According to special information obtained by the Rawabet Center for Research and Strategic Studies, a meeting was held this evening, August 26, at the office of Hajj Al-Amiri, which included Shiite leaders, and was attended by all Al-Hakim, Hajj Al-Ameri, Dr. Nassar Al-Rubaie, Dr. Al-Abadi, Hajj Al-Maliki, Haj Al-Fayyad and Sheikh Al-Faihan, as was attended by the Prime Minister.
The meeting was devoted to discussing what things have reached in the central and southern governorates, and in particular in the governorates of Dhi Qar and Basra.
The meeting agreed on the need to differentiate between the peaceful demonstrator and the saboteur, and the need to hold the saboteurs accountable, and the urgent need to hold accountable those involved in killings and kidnappings, and that restoring the prestige of the state requires supporting the security services and granting them the necessary powers to implement the law after defining the rules of engagement.
The attempts of some to threaten those who run with the political forces, and calls to bear arms were also rejected. The Prime Minister clarified the reality of the security forces and that he took some steps to strengthen them. He arrested key figures who committed crimes or assaulted the security forces. He also stated that some of the forces present were involved in the mass escalation or sit-ins.
And it is close to identifying the people responsible for some of the assassinations. In the end, he requested the support of the forces present for his steps to arrest the culprits on both sides and lift the cover off the perpetrators. The Prime Minister affirmed that the actual actual demonstrations have ended since the end of last year, and the rest of them are either used for political or commercial purposes (expressed by companies). But he cautioned against freeing the hand in dealing with it for fear of bloodshed, and gradual work must be done to dismantle it.
In the end, the meeting came out with the following decisions: –
– The government issued a statement confirming respect for the right to peaceful protest, and at the same time its intention to stand up to those who misuse it.
– Issuing a statement of support and attribution from the government to the security forces and calling for them to strike at the hands of those who violate the law.
– Accountability of some employees or those affiliated with his team who are proven to have interfered with inciting some actions in those governorates, and Brother Al-Fayyad was assigned to undertake the investigation.
Carrying out a campaign of arrests against those who had evidence that incriminated them with calling for the use of weapons, bulldozing, or intimidation against those working with political forces.
– The political forces support the government’s steps and cover them politically, parliament and the media.
– Directing the followers of the political forces present in the sit-in squares or demonstrating to withdraw immediately from them, or stop their support.

A few days later, Mustafa Al-Kazemi participated in the tripartite summit that was held between King Abdullah II of Jordan and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, and this is the first summit of its kind that Al-Kazemi participated in. Al-Kazemi said in an interview with the Washington Post (WASHINGTON POST) that “the new Levantine project according to the European pattern will be presented to the leaders of Egypt and Jordan, indicating that this project will allow capital and technology flows between the three countries in a more free manner.”

After his return from the summit, and during his presidency of the cabinet session, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi emphasized these issues:

1- Excluding Iraq from the policy of axes is the approach that the current government is following, and it is in the interest of our people.

2- Balance, moderation and reliance on strengthening cooperation, especially in economic relations, in a way that guarantees the interest of Iraq, is what we seek in our relations with countries.

3- Ministers should meet with their counterparts in Egypt and Jordan, to enhance inter-cooperation.

4- The challenges are great, and we must succeed, and we have the opportunity to move the country on the right path.

Yesterday, Thursday, the Minister of the French Armies, Florence Parly, met today with senior Iraqi officials in Baghdad, and stressed the need to distance Iraq from the policy of the axes, and expressed her country’s readiness to continue its support in the war against ISIS terrorist cells. Al-Kazemi stressed during his meeting with Parly that “France is a partner in the war against terrorism, and Iraq is keen to develop this partnership in order to reach an integrated strengthening and qualification of its security capabilities, developing its combat efficiency, and enhancing the exchange of security information.” The Iraqi army has been subjected to attempts to weaken it, and the government has responded to these attempts. According to private information obtained by the Rawabet Center for Research and Strategic Studies, Macron is scheduled to visit the French President next month.

On the same day, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi received, on Thursday, Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan, and the two sides discussed bilateral relations between the two countries and issues in the region. And to achieve a better future for the two countries.

Al-Kazemi called, during his meeting with the Saudi Foreign Minister, to “the importance of activating the decisions of the coordination committee between Iraq and Saudi Arabia, in a way that secures the interests of the peoples of the two brotherly countries.” The Saudi minister also stressed that “the Kingdom looks with caution and attention to its relations with Iraq, and is looking forward to strengthening and consolidating joint cooperation. And activating the agreements concluded between the two sides, in a way that achieves the common interests of the two countries. He explained that “the Kingdom is looking forward to an upcoming visit by the Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.”

What is striking about these internal and external moves by Mustafa Al-Kazemi took place within a few days, which prompted some observers of the Iraqi issue to say that Al-Kazemi has so far achieved almost the full mark. How?
Let us remember the achievements of Al-Kazemi’s accomplishments that all the heads of government who preceded him were incapable of, condoned, or colluded with, which are:
1- He is the first president. Ministers punished a minister in his government represented by the Minister of Transport after the delay of the take-off of an Iraqi plane by relatives of the minister, while the minister who brought his son back a plane from Baghdad to Beirut for transporting him was not punished. He brought it back with those in it.
2- The first to arrest the killers of the demonstrators by arresting a group of the Tazar Allah Brigades in Basra. The first protestor during the Al-Kazemi government was killed, followed by the arrest of officers who killed demonstrators in Baghdad, and finally the arrest at dawn the day before yesterday, of some of the killers of Raham Yaqoub and her colleagues and the activist Safaa.
3- He is the first to dare to dismiss most of the leaders of the security services of the parties, whether Iraqi or Iranian, and replace them with real Iraqi Arab leaders, independent professionals, and with a known and honorable history, such as Al-Ghanimi, Al-Jabouri, Al-Asadi and Al-Saadi.
4- Stripping the power of parties and blocs to appoint those with special degrees, independent bodies, agents and general managers.
5- Addressing in an admirable manner the legal corruption represented by double, triple and quadruple salary for one person or granting salaries to all family members under the pretext of political harm or resorting to Rafha camp.
6- Withholding the salary for every Iraqi who left Iraq willingly and without reason and resided and naturalized another nationality, such as American, Australian, Canadian and European Rafhawis.
7- He is the first to use force against the factions that are acting in isolation from the General Command and the Ministry of Defense by arresting Katyusha cells targeting the coalition forces.

With Mustafa Al-Kazemi’s diplomacy working to formulate Iraqi foreign policy, signs of his policy began to become clear gradually in recent days, especially after the important and successful visit to America and the meeting with its President Trump, and after the tripartite summit that he brought together with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and Jordanian King Abdullah II, who is The meeting is the second of its kind after former Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi participated in the first meeting in 2019.
Mustafa Al-Kazemi balances with leaning slightly towards the Arab side of Iraq, between the Arab and foreign neighbors of the country, but without explicitly implicating Iraq by joining publicly to some axis that is distributed On it all Arab countries.
Turkey and Iran are wary of any Iraqi rapprochement with its Arab surroundings, especially Turkey, which sees Egypt as its archenemy, which Iraq may use to deter its army from constantly attacking its lands, as is happening recently and continuously.
As for Iran, it is not reassured of any step that Iraq takes towards the West or the South, where the Arab countries that are fighting it, such as Saudi Arabia, or not its ally, such as Jordan, because this step will necessarily mean moving away from the East, where it wants it to be.
Egypt, which wants to smell Iraqi crude oil at a low price, just as Jordan wants to win Iraq to its side in the battle of regional axes to ensure sustainability. This oil, of course, will pass through Jordan near Israel in the Gulf of Aqaba in addition to building many industrial and commercial areas between the three countries and extending transmission lines. The electric current to connect the national systems with each other
Iraq and Jordan Sanda Egypt in its current ordeal with Ethiopia over the Renaissance Dam, and Iraq in particular has its justifications for this position because it fears that it will meet the same fate with Turkey and its giant Aliso dam and the island dam project that is on the table.
Here, Al-Kazemi leads the helm very cautiously for fear of hitting a neighboring or regional rock, and this indicates the prime minister’s intention to move beyond a sensitive period in the Middle East.

But this remarkable policy, internally and externally, does not correspond to Iran and its allies in Iraq, and to keep Iraq under Iranian influence, the Iranian ambassador to Iraq stated: “Ismail Qaani is responsible for the Iraq file and does what he (Soleimani) was doing, and we as the Republic of Iran do not accept With the presence of US forces in Iraq, even for one day.

This statement provokes the national sentiments of the Iraqi people. We have previously said and affirm that Iraq is not an Iranian province, and Mustafa al-Kazemi is not Iran’s governor in Iraq, but rather the prime minister of Iraq who is working to raise it and bring it back to the political map again.

Undoubtedly, this statement comes in the context of Iran’s exploitation of the multiform disease that Iraq suffers from, and Al-Kazemi is working with his patriotic spirit to cure it.

We wonder here: Does the Iranian ambassador to Turkey dare to ask the Turkish leadership to close the Incirlink base or to freeze its military relations with the United States of America?

The Iraqi Studies Unit