Basra .. calls for the establishment of a nuclear power station powered by!

Basra .. calls for the establishment of a nuclear power station powered by!

7/26/2020 15:28

Basra .. calls for the establishment of a nuclear power station powered by[Basra-Ain]
An academic expert called on Sunday the federal and local governments in Basra to establish a nuclear fuel-powered power plant in the province.
Ahmad Jassim Al-Malki said, “With the increase in temperature and power cuts in abundance, we put forward a very simple and accessible scientific idea to work on it on the ground, specifically in our vision, beloved.” He pointed out that “technology has advanced a lot and dealing with power plants with nuclear fission has become very easy.” .
He added: “So I propose a project for the local government in Basra that we create a nuclear power plant powered by nuclear fuel, knowing that the idea is applied in many countries of the world, noting that the energy emitted as a result of nuclear fission (which uses uranium (U92) that is found in nature with its isotopes The three) generate very terrible temperatures used to produce steam and thus generate electricity. ”
He stated that “nuclear energy is the only source that can reliably generate large quantities of electricity without emitting any harmful gases such as greenhouse gases. In addition, nuclear energy is one of the sources in which it severely reduces the environmental impacts, whether on land or natural resources, from Among all other electricity production sources. ”
And on the mechanism of nuclear energy work, Maliki said, “Nuclear power plants produce electricity in a way that is very similar to conventional power plants, because plants generally use a source to produce heat that converts water into steam, then the vapor pressure operates the electricity generator and then produces electricity. The difference between the plants lies in the type of The source of heat. In conventional fuel stations, the source of heat comes from burning coal, oil, or natural gas.
He pointed out that “nuclear power plants, the primary source of heat is the division of atoms or what is called the process of fission and nuclear, where nuclear reactors release very terrible heat, which in turn produces steam, after which the steam rotates a turbine connected to an electric magnet called (the generator) after which the generator produces electricity.”
He continued: “With regard to building a nuclear reactor in Basra governorate to generate electrical energy, it is one of the most appropriate options for our beloved governorate for several reasons. The existence of vast areas of flat lands outside the city center can be used very comfortably to build the largest electrical power station enough to supply central and southern Iraq easily and easily.”
He pointed out that “among the reasons is the presence of abundant water in Basra Governorate, whose presence is essential in the work of the nuclear reactor in refrigeration and vaporization, along with the need for Basra Governorate to purify its environment from pollution from traditional generation plants that produce very much smoke in addition to the robe and limited production, which It does not completely satisfy the need for conservation. The nuclear power plant produces 100% clean energy. Every gram of uranium produces energy equal to what 5,000 tons of coal produce without waste and no transportation and will not occupy a large place in transportation and storage. ”
He added: “Also, Basra possesses internationally recognized scientific competencies in the field of nuclear physics, chemistry and engineering, in addition to that, countries that are internationally licensed and developed in the nuclear fields can construct nuclear power plants with nuclear power with ease and are licensed by the International Atomic Energy Organization and especially by them. United Russia”.
He hinted that “this station can occupy a very large number of graduates from the scientific departments (physics, chemistry, engineering and biology) in addition to the need for the reactor to a large number of manpower, including craftsmen, technicians and others.”
He concluded his speech by saying, “I put this proposal in front of the governor, the federal government, and the responsible brothers to eliminate the problem of electricity and pollution in Basra Governorate,” expressing his readiness “to hold a scientific symposium on this subject that will address all its aspects.”