Massoud Barzani announces his position on the Iraqi protests and calls to amend the constitution

Massoud Barzani announces his position on the Iraqi protests and calls to amend the constitution

2019/11/2 17:12

Massoud Barzani announces his position on the Iraqi protests and calls to amend the constitutionKurdistan Democratic Party leader Massoud Barzani said on Saturday that “any amendments to the Iraqi constitution should not affect the rights of the Kurdish people.”

Barzani said in a statement, “What is happening now is not born today, but is the result of the accumulation of 15 years of failure that made people endure great pain and harm.”
“Citizens have the right to express their discontent with their current situation, but to listen to their demands away from violence and bloodshed.”
Barzani said, “One of the most important problems facing Iraq is the lack of application of the Constitution, although it has been implemented, we would not have faced the majority of previous and current problems.”
Barzani blamed the current election law, saying that “the cause of the current situation and must be reconsidered so that the results of the elections reflect the demands of all components.”
“We believe that changing the constitution is not by force or by force. In any case, changing the constitution should not undermine the democratic system, as well as diminish the rights of the Kurdish people and other components.”
Barzani concluded by saying that “the democratic system is in the interest of the Iraqi people, and not the dictatorship, and we hope that all the changes required within the framework of law and constitutional mechanisms.”
The Iraqi protests have entered their second month since they erupted in early October, killing more than 250 martyrs of demonstrators and security forces, and injuring thousands of them.