Abadi expects a breakthrough for the referendum in the coming hours

Abadi expects a breakthrough for the referendum in the coming hours

Date Posted 20/09/2017 01:29 PM

Abadi expects a breakthrough for the referendum in the coming hoursIraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abbadi expected a major breakthrough in the referendum crisis in the coming hours during a meeting with a number of Iraqi media and writers.
Abadi said that the Kurdistan Regional Government has inflicted itself in a dilemma when it decided to referendum and unilateral separation and impose a fait accompli on Iraq and regional countries and the international community, stressing the readiness of the Center for the start of negotiations within the framework of the Constitution with the Kurdistan region and Abadi said that there is no objection to discuss the option of confederation with the Kurds, Explaining that this requires amendment to the Constitution and the approval of the Council of Representatives and the Iraqi people on the amendment.
Abadi said that he would not use any military action against the Kurds except in case of insulting the Arab component in the disputed areas. He said that he told Nizhervan Barzani that the Peshmerga occupation of Kirkuk oil fields would not last forever and that Iraq has the right to recover these fields to ensure the rights of the citizens of the region in wealth Iraq.
Abbadi said he rejected the initiative of President Fuad Masoum because it had set the condition of returning to the referendum in the event of failure, stressing his categorical rejection of the referendum.
He stressed that Israel, which supported the territorial government in the secession, can not provide any support to achieve this.
