Masoum, Maliki and Allawi insist on political consensus to end the referendum crisis

Masoum, Maliki and Allawi insist on political consensus to end the referendum crisis

2017/9/19 17:13

Masoum - Maliki and Allawi insist on political consensus to end the referendum crisis[Ayna-Baghdad]
President Fuad Masum and his deputies Nuri al-Maliki and Iyad Allawi, stressed the political consensus to end the tension between the center and the Kurdistan region because of the referendum on the separation of the latter from Iraq.
A presidential statement received by the agency all of Iraq [where] a copy of it that the meeting “discussed the overall situation in the country and the file of the referendum in the Kurdistan region.” He added that “the meeting reviewed the developments on the political arena, especially between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government and the ongoing negotiations with regard to the referendum file and the means and solutions to them.” The president and his deputies stressed the need to activate dialogue and exchange of views between all political parties to contribute to reaching a political consensus to end the tension between the center and the region, stressing the importance of preserving the national cohesion and peaceful coexistence among all the people of Iraq.