Three teams caught Mosul security immediately after clearing the old city

Three teams caught Mosul security immediately after clearing the old city

06/07/2017 0:16

Three teams caught Mosul security immediately after clearing the old cityBaghdad / morning
Mosul / Sunrise Maher
said field commanders from the battlefield to victory and liberation Verifier in the old city, but the date was officially announced by the General Command of the Armed Forces, with the allocation of power equivalent to three military teams to catch the ground and file security for the whole city of Mosul immediately after the completion of the task of resolving the battle the right side.
The rest 100 suicide foreign
leader in the fight against terrorism , a Lieutenant – General Abdul – Wahab al – Saadi, who is in the front lines, he stressed that ” a distance of less than 150 meters is all that remains of the old city in preparation for the completion of the full liberation,” adding that “about 100 suicide 90 percent of them are foreigners Angmasyun remaining from the remnants of Daesh within the city. ”
He stressed that “victory and liberation Verifier, but the date was officially announced determined by the Iraqi government.” Stressing said: “We focus on the rescue of civilians from the clutches of the terrorists, there are families liberated, was holding it Aldoaash several months ago in the basements of houses in the narrow alleys of the old city.” Saadi pointed out that these terrorist gangs Teds daily dozens of suicide bombers among the families Nnclha from their grip, from whom Fjrn themselves among children and women, from whom were being detained.
In support of what went to him Saadi, predicted the commander of Nineveh operations Maj . Gen. Najim al – Jubouri said the final declaration of victory in the coming hours.
He revealed the “morning” for the force equivalent to three military teams ready for the task of keeping the ground and the security file in the pan city of Mosul immediately after the completion of editing the old city, and continued: The rest of the military units we are heading for the Liberation of Tal Afar spend desecrated Daesh terrorists.
The military media cell of the Joint Special Operations Command announced yesterday the completion of writing a statement to declare victory and the full liberation of the city of Mosul. The outcome of losses «Daesh» and the promise of victory was signed by the pant plain, revealed a spokesman for the Joint Special Operations Command Brigadier General Yahya Messenger, yesterday that the leadership will hold a conference after the announcement of liberation in which the numbers show true that she was killed and her arrest of the terrorists of those gangs and the outcome of the losses incurred by the enemy Aldaasha during the battles, as well as spaces that it has been edited. He added that there is a few numbers of Aldoaash infiltrated among the displaced in an attempt to escape after they were cracking down on them by rushing troops, noting that the intelligence effort resulted in the arrest of most of those lurking among the displaced families. Accordingly , the city of Mosul , waiting for the final declaration of victory over Daesh after nine months of continuous editing operations in the coastal city left and right, with only a small space left, while talking leaks that Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi plans to travel to Mosul to declare victory. The focus of counter – terrorism field, quoted correspondent morning, the officer in the anti – terror apparatus, the leading forces of Ali Mohsen as saying that the Champions device imposed their control over 90 percent of the last strongholds of Aldoaash field area in the old city adjacent to the bank of the Tigris River, adding that the device forces seized control of mosques and laboratories within the region that these terrorists had taken them strongholds and caches of weapons and ammunition and prisons for torture of unarmed civilians. He added Mohsen that developed our forces managed to free 40 prisoners inside a tunnel found combing through the front areas of the area of the field were transferred to the command of the machine forces headquarters to be handed over to their relatives who are in a very tragic situation , and most of them serious health conditions because of their exposure to drought as a result of the denial of eating and drinking by criminals Daesh, warning that a few hours will be announced editing field with the banks of the entire area of the Tigris River. He also stressed the leading Muhsin said the machine forces took control of the alleys of the areas of slogans market and come off the bench the entire pool after clashes fierce that killed 20 Daashaa including seven suicide bombers, and the seizure of large quantities of weapons and ammunition in the pure school liberated building within the slogans area, recalling that the liberated forces keen to open safe corridors and drove out all the families that were stuck inside their homes. Federal police axis as the battlefield witnessed on Wednesday declared the commander of the federal police team Raed Shakir Jawdat, said his forces tightened control over Shawwaf architecture multi – layered location is important to the center Najafi area of the old city, and began the deployment of snipers on the roof of the building in order to secure progress cuts downtown area Najafi , the last bastion of the remnants of terrorism in the federal police axis. Team Jawdat He said the federal police forces continue to purge the last remaining goals mandated within the old city to eliminate the pockets of terrorists hiding in burrows spending and investment victory achieved by our units , backed by the army and Btiran aircraft and artillery march advanced. Indicating that the cleansing process resulted in the killing of 57 terrorists and 4 snipers Doaash and the seizure of explosive belts, rockets and bases to launch and quantities of different types of weapons and blowing up a booby – trapped wheel along with the dismantling of the role of the bomb and explosive remnants of Aldoaash defeated. The statement of the cell media war, confirmed that federal police forces liberated yard area and garage door multi – layer brick cycle instrumentation collector Khuzam and seized control of Khalid Bin Walid Street old city center. To transfer a statement from the spokesman for the Ministry of Interior Brigadier General Saad Maan, confirmed that the heroes of the third group of Nineveh police were killed on one Aldoaash fleeing from the right side by crossing the Tigris River swimming toward the Jarmjh neighborhood in the left coast southeast of Mosul, noting that the security forces killed during the days the last few years , dozens of terrorists in the left side after fleeing fighting in the right side of the city.