MPs are demanding the government offices, activating the role of the fight against money laundering

MPs are demanding the government offices, activating the role of the fight against money laundering

09:48  07 / 06/2012

Khandan – A number of Representatives and the Almokhtsaan the government and the Central Bank of activating the role of offices of combating money laundering, which began to hurt the Iraqi economy at a time in which he disclosed the central bank oversight role in this area is very weak, and that the issue needed to effort a senior government. The Office of laundering money form in 2007, and that the special law was issued at the time of the civil administrator of Iraq Paul Bremer after 2003, and that the rate of sales of Auction Central Bank of Iraq on a daily basis ranging from 150 to $ 225 million and since the founding of the auction for the day could the central bank sold $ 200 billion, according to statistics of semi-official and the proportion of remittances abroad of from 80 to 85% of those amounts so called specialists need to have a special directorate to monitor money laundering, and that the Iraqi economy began to suffer physically because of those processes semi-structured, and so far there are no figures and statistics from the by any point of control, whether governmental or non-governmental organizations about the size of money laundering operations that have taken place in Iraq. Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed in an interview with “the world”, that “the bank was there by the Office to combat money laundering, and has faced difficulties in training special difficulty, however, most were in the education of government banks, and civil on the money laundering operations. ” Saleh revealed a weakness in the performance of the Office of the difficulty and complexity of the processes used in money laundering. increased Saleh, said that “efforts should be doubled and we need help and support offices of national security, and must be in each bank or financial institution representative from the office until the exchange of information, and today we need a new law passed in the House of Representatives to combat money laundering under the umbrella of the national “. to that revealed by the Finance Committee’s parliamentary Najiba Najib said in a statement quoted by “Baghdadi “on Saturday for the opening of the Directorate of Anti-Money Laundering by the Central Bank in accordance with specific controls to reduce the danger to the national economy.said Najib, a member of the Kurdistan Alliance that “there is the phenomenon of money laundering Iraq began to spread in recent times in a professional manner, so as not felt by men economic security, take place through the weak souls of some traders who create new ways of turning a vision relevant officials. ” said Najib “Some Iraqi traders and the help of some countries Regional trading materials forbidden by their perception that the process is legal and legitimate, but is money laundering.” and noted that “the Central Bank Pay attention to this dangerous phenomenon through the opening of the Directorate of special anti-money laundering act in accordance with guidelines determined by the central limit the severity and spread in the country as a weakening local currency against foreign currency and contribute to the collapse of the Iraqi economy. ” , said a member of the Finance Committee Economic Secretary Hadi in touch telephone conversation with the “world”, that “the Finance Committee asked the Governor of the Central Bank of the need for coordination with the ministries of trade and finance and with all other ministries to combat the phenomenon and must be no employee special belonged to a section in each institution and this is a global system approach.” said Hadi, a member of the coalition state law that “there is no difference between money laundering in the private banks or state or even in civil society organizations in all cases, and under any name, there is money laundering and there is a problem in the process of converting the money but you must be a source of clean, when deposited person two million dollars for example, do not ask the bank from where did you get this, it means that there is an imbalance in the mechanisms to enforce the law and we have to ask about the source of the money because the bank when he deposited a source of clean ” and increased Hadi said “responsible primarily for money laundering is the Integrity Commission and the Director of the Central Bank,” referring to “There are two types of money laundering from the inside out and money laundering contrary, from the outside to the inside processes of bribery and financial corruption Wash Away The drug money and Almtjarh human Vtgusl inside must for banks to ask for sources of money involved also must be control of the home and the money that intervention to Iraq from abroad because the potential that the money which comes from abroad, supports terrorism. ” so said a member of the Economic Commission parliamentary Nora Albjara in a telephone conversation with “the world”, that “the law of the Iraqi Central Bank in 2004 and by regulations of Article 930 of anti-laundering operations funds introduced the section on money laundering, but found that the development department to combat the phenomenon or the Division is unable to solve the big problem has plagued Iraq and the whole world, especially America and Europe but spread as well as those suffering economic and security problems and the countries that turn from economic situation to another case Vtkon targeted by mafias and gangs of money laundering. ” she added Albjara is a member of the Iraqi List, “The development of the Directorate is important for there to be mechanisms for tight working on this Directorate by increasing control over private banks private and corporate banking and even offices and companies, the exchange of money, currency, so traders also took advantage of Some of these authorities the case of lawlessness, who was in Iraq in the past years in the conduct money laundering and large-scale led to the occurrence of negative effects on the economic sector, there is a waste of money the white or the real and the entry of counterfeit currency foreign and not Iraq or terrorism financing or to finance the interests harmful to the economy any foreign agendas are trying to damage the Iraqi economy. ” increased Albjara that “examples of money laundering is the process of introduction of currency large fake dollar, and replace it with real money will hurt the economy, both public and private sectors as well as the smuggling of money which is not a process of money laundering, but is another category, but it is possible that fall within the money laundering occurs in ways Mtadh such as investment and implementation of projects that will transform the money black is not clean to the money white. “For his part, sees Mekki Mohammed Rdam that money laundering severe damage on the Iraqi economy and there is recognition by the agencies concerned that there is a lot of money being laundered in other words, that the Iraqi money came from the different methods Bcesp so-called Balhawwasm or implementation of projects illusory in many aspects of the state or by abroad or by selling the dollar. He Rdam in a telephone conversation with “the world” yesterday that “sources of money laundering, many This is repeating itself every time until it is cleaned. and the Office of laundering money in the bank’s central role came too late and needs a specialized finance and real experts and not to the administrators of civil society organizations and institutions working on border crossings by the convergence of the 25 port as well as the need to hold seminars conferences and research education on anti-money laundering and how to distinguish them and publicize it and hitting it. ” He Rdam that “the money laundering operations is changing the face of the currency black to coin a white illegally and that comes from sources of theft, extortion, terrorism, and therefore money laundering is a very dangerous on the Iraqi people and its economy must of treatment. ” Newspaper of the world

Source: xendan