Maliki is returned to the position of [necessary and correction of error Abadi]

Maliki is returned to the position of [necessary and correction of error Abadi]

10/10/2016 15:14

Maliki is returned to the position of necessary and correction of error Abadi[Oan- Baghdad]
The president of a coalition of state law , Nuri al – Maliki ‘s decision eliminate the invalidity of the abolition of the posts of Vice President of the Republic [three] to “correct errors” in reference to Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi decision which abolished and merged positions and privileges of the government according to the paper reforms adopted last year .
Maliki promised in a statement his office received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, ” the court ‘s decision respected and that the error correction is necessary,” rejecting “threats launched by some gangs seeking to move the judiciary and the executive according Aklyatea deviant.”
He emphasized, ” The positions have not not within his interests as it was the Iraqi people and the interests of the service, “explaining that” the choice would be to stand with the people in the face of challenges from any location be it. ”
the Federal Supreme Court issued on Monday, its decision invalidating the decision of Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi to abolish the posts of vice President of the Republic , which means the return of the three vice – president ‘s office who are president of a coalition of state law , Nuri al – Maliki, the head of Muttahidoon Osama Najafi, the head of the National Accord Party , Iyad Allawi.
She explained in a statement that “” the decision to cancel the posts of vice – President of the Republic provided for in articles 69 and 75 of the Constitution is an amendment to the Constitution without the path charted by the Constitution to amend provided for in Article 142 of it which requires a decision by the House of Representatives amendment and a referendum of the Iraqi people to it. ”
the show,” the decision was based on a petition filed by Osama Najafi unconstitutionality made no mention of the decision not to constitutional to restore or not to restore the vice President Iyad Allawi and Nouri al – Maliki and Osama al. ”
and criticized the cleric Moqtada al – Sadr sharply questioned the decision of the judiciary and called for popular demonstrations” overwhelming “after the Ashura to protest it.
The paper reforms espoused by Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi, in August 2015 it included the abolition of the posts of vice President and Prime Minister immediately, and reduce the comprehensive and immediate in the number of protections for all state officials , including the three presidencies, ministers, MPs and special grades and general managers, governors and members of the provincial councils and their grades.