Tension dominated Obama’s visit to Saudi Arabia

Tension dominated Obama’s visit to Saudi Arabia

4/23/2016 0:00

Tension dominated Obamas visit to Saudi ArabiaTurki al – Faisal: ended {yore} with Washington ,
John Hudson * / translation Anis al – Saffar
make Barack Obama its utmost to cover up the differences between his administration and Saudi Arabia the first Thursday at the conclusion of the summit meeting , which lasted for two days in Riyadh in the presence of six Gulf leaders , but the gap widening between Washington and the monarchy rich with its oil, and which increased inflammation of the new wave of criticisms made ​​by members of Congress Bhzbah, dominated the summit and cast a shadow over the words that elaborated on the review of the power of the bonds of friendship and cohesion and unity between the two parties.
the White House Photos this trip as an opportunity to coordinate efforts in the fight against «Daash» terrorism, strengthening of humanitarian aid sent to Iraq and to reassure allies worried about the improvement of diplomatic relations between America and Iran, but the US president has spent most of his time trying to address the bad psychological impact caused by through interview with him recently «Atlantic» magazine described the many US allies that they «Rakpon free», said on Saudi Arabia to learn «how to co – exist in the region , » with its arch – foe Iran.
these words , despite all the contents diminished in front of mounting criticism of Saudi Arabia by Congress in recent weeks , while lawmakers put forward a number of laws that call for the investigation of the kingdom’s human rights record and military operations in Yemen, and even alleged involvement in the September 11 terrorist attacks. American calls with the conclusion of the Summit , Senator «Chris Murphy» occur, which is one of the closest White House allies in Congress, from the Institute «Brookings» and called for a comprehensive review of the relations between the United States and Saudi Arabia, said Murphy: «I call for a review, people have become clearly see the duality of our positions in the Middle East when we talk about values ​​while she occupies the bottom of the priority list in the relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia ». last week put« Murphy », along with Republican Senator« Rand Paul »law imposing new conditions on US military aid to Saudi Arabia due to the continuing escalation of the death toll in the war waged by Riyadh in Yemen a year ago, the new law demands that US President checks made the Saudi efforts and the efforts to reduce the harm on civilians to the lowest border, as well as facilitate the access of humanitarian aid to them, before Congress is considering a sale transaction or transfer of ammunition from the type «air -to- ground» to Saudi Arabia, as they say. Law of the victims of September the one hand the other, in a separate effort, Senator «Chuck Schumer» tries , a Democrat, and Senator «John Cornaan» , a Republican, that Ahacda enough momentum to pass a law allowing the families of the victims of September 11 , to sue the Saudi government for any role he has in those terrorist attacks, but the House White expressed his opposition to this law , and the White House spokesman «Paul Ryan» as well as the majority leader in the Senate «Mitch McConnell», both Republicans, did not announce their support for him. the Saudi government for its part went to the shed fierce pressure against the pass this law. on Friday , reported the newspaper «New York Times» in a report that the Saudi foreign minister , Adel al – Jubeir told a group of Americans that Riyadh will not stay in front of legislators , however , to sell their assets in the United States that link Akiemha to about $ 750 billion if they passed this law, and this is a threat unusual. he said «Ben Rhodes», deputy national security adviser, updated reporters in Riyadh that King Salman did not address the matter with Obama, so that the US administration had sent a message that they will use veto against this law, and it seems that this letter I have calmed down from the concerns of the UK, as «Rhodes» he said. Al – Faisal ‘s remarks in an environment of tension between Washington and Riyadh, Prince Turki al – Faisal, who previously served as Saudi ambassador to Washington , confirmed in an interview that the «good old days» with the United States ended irreversibly, indicating that it was time to review the common interests between the two countries, it is known that Prince Turki al – Faisal ‘s speech, which does not currently holds no official position, reflecting a senior Saudi princes positions, as seen by senior staff in the Saudi royal court who believe that his views influential circles Riyadh ‘s foreign policy. * Forn for Pulse magazine
