Diplomats dismiss Jubouri Iraq will cost more than 10 billion US dollars

Diplomats dismiss Jubouri Iraq will cost more than 10 billion US dollars

Posted 14/04/2016 03:32 PM

Diplomats dismiss Jubouri Iraq will cost more than 10 billion US dollarsSuggested an Iraqi diplomatic sources to be the failure of talks held on Friday between a delegation from the Iraqi Finance Ministry and the International Monetary Fund on the latter agree to give Iraq an estimated US $ 10 billion to overcome the financial crisis that Iraq is going through a conditional grant. The sources said that ” the meetings , which will start tomorrow in Washington , which she described as “very important”, aimed at persuading the international Monetary Fund for Iraq fiscal policies and method of administration to give him a pre – conditional grant of $ 10 billion in the form of support and funding for various projects , “pointing out that” it is very difficult to convince the Fund IMF to give Iraq any financial grant. ” the sources added that” the IMF needs to be political guarantees to give any financial grant, and these guarantees are stabilizing the country politically and administratively , “pointing out that” what happened today in the Iraqi Council of Representatives to make the international Monetary Fund review accounts to give Iraq any sums of money , because what happened in the parliament and sack the head is considered a strong indicator of the instability of the country. ” she said diplomatic sources that the ” members of the protestors Representatives who held their session and dismissed the parliament speaker Salim al – Jubouri from office would cost Iraq a large and important financial grant, especially and he is going through a very big economic crisis has hit the government announced the bankruptcy and the only aggrieved is the Iraqi citizen. ” It is scheduled that the delegation from the Iraqi Finance Ministry a meeting of the international Monetary Fund in Washington DC, held the last to persuade to give Iraq $ 10 billion US dollars Bahaih financing and Djam for projects implemented different. The sources confirmed that “all members of the House know the seriousness of what they did today in the parliament, because US Secretary of State John Kerry met with leaders of political blocs and asked them to pass the ministerial cabin to deliver a message to the Western world and the Arab world that Iraq is a stable country administratively and does not need , but for economic aid to help him the continuation of the war against Daash and pay Modver salaries. ” the sources pointed out that” Kerry ‘s political leaders told US President Barack Obama , the structure of the request financial aid for Iraq from the Gulf cooperation Council ( GCC ) during his participation in the summit of the Gulf cooperation Council, provided the pass ministerial cabin put forward by Prime Minister Haider Abadi and the formation of his new government to prevail relative stability in the country ‘s administration. ” said US President Barack Obama ‘s intention to participate in the summit of the Gulf cooperation Council ( GCC ) to be held on 21 \ 4 \ 2016, to discuss with Arab states about their efforts in the war against al Daash in Iraq and Syria, as well as his intention to request substantial financial assistance from the GCC countries to Iraq in order to overcome the current economic crisis.
