“OPEC” recognizes keep the oil production levels despite a drop in price

“OPEC” recognizes keep the oil production levels despite a drop in price

11/27/2014 15:53 ​​GMT

OPEC recognizes keep the oil production levels despite a drop in priceFollow-up – and babysit – Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries “OPEC” approved, on Thursday, an agreement to maintain the current production levels, despite a drop in oil prices to their lowest level in four years.
The Web site, the “CNN”, “The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) approved today an agreement to maintain the current production levels, despite a drop in oil prices to their lowest level in four years.”

Brent oil prices have fallen near its lowest price over four years during the trading session on Thursday, with the start of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries meetings (OPEC), to record these prices January delivery increased by 1.9%, the lowest level in the session by $ 76.28 a barrel.

The Ministry of Oil, in (November 5, 2014), that the $ 100 per barrel, the price is suitable for Iraq, noting that the decline in the price per barrel to below $ 85 an impact on the Iraqi economy and the budget.

The OPEC members, including Kuwait, said in a press statement ahead of the organization meeting that he is unlikely to make a cut in production at the next meeting of the organization, but some delegates began talking informally about the need to take action, but they point out that reaching an agreement will not be easy.

